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旧 2009-11-06   #1 (permalink)
注册日期: 2009-07-09
住址: 亦庄经济开发区2号院大族广场1502
帖子: 526
susu8988 正向着好的方向发展
默认 Modem常用AT指令集

AT Commands (* Serial interface operation only)
A/ Re-execute command.命令重执行
AT= x - Write to Selected S-Register 写S寄存器
AT? - Read Selected S-Register 读S寄存器
A Go off-hook and attempt to answer a call.摘机应答
Bn - CCITT or Bell
B0 Select V.22 connection at 1200 bps.选择1200BPS V.22
B1 Select Bell 212A connection at 1200 bps. 选择1200BPS BELL212
Cn - Carrier Control 载波控制
C1 Return OK message.返回OK信息
Dn Dial modifier.拨号
En - Command Echo 命令回显
E0 Turn off command echo.关闭回显
E1 Turn on command echo.打开回显
Fn - Select Line Modulation (RC144 Models Only) 选择线路调制
F0 Select auto-detect mode (equivalent to N1).(RC144)自动侦察模式(等同于N1)
F1 Select V.21 or Bell 103. (RC144)选择V.21或BELL103
F2 Reserved. (RC144)
F3 Select V.23 line modulation. (RC144)
F4 Select V.22 or Bell 212A 1200 bps line speed. (RC144)
F5 Select V.22 bis line modulation. (RC144)
F6 Select V.32 bis or V.32 4800 line modulation. (RC144)
F7 Select V.32 bis 7200 line modulation. (RC144)
F8 Select V.32 bis or V.32 9600 line modulation. (RC144)
F9 Select V.32 bis 12000 line modulation. (RC144)
F10 Select V.32 bis 14400 line modulation. (RC144)
Hn - Disconnect (Hang-Up) 摘机挂机
H0 Initiate a hang-up sequence.挂机
H1 If on-hook,go off-hook and enter command mode.摘机进入命令模式
In – Identification 鉴定
I0 Report product code.汇报产品代码
I1 Report pre-computed checksum.
I2 Report OK.
I3 Report firmware revision, model, and interface type.汇报硬件版本.模式和接口
I4 Report response programmed by an OEM.
I5 Report the country code parameter.
I6 Report modem data pump model and code revision.
I7 Reports the DAA code (W-class models only).
Ln - Speaker Volume 扬声器音量
L0 Set low speaker volume.扬声器小音量
L1 Set low speaker volume.
L2 Set medium speaker volume.
L3 Set high speaker volume.
Mn - Speaker Control 扬声器控制
M0 Turn speaker off.
M1 Turn speaker on during handshaking and turn speaker off while
receiving carrier.
M2 Turn speaker on during handshaking and while receiving carrier.
M3 Turn speaker off during dialing and receiving carrier and turn
speaker on during answering.
Nn - Automode Enable 自动模式选择
N0 Turn off automode detection.关闭自动侦察模式
N1 Turn on automode detection.打开自动侦察模式
On - Return to On-Line Data Mode 返回数传模式
O0 Go on-line.返回上线
O1 Go on-line and initiate a retrain sequence.返回上线并进行再教育
P - Set Pulse Dial Default 选择脉冲拨号模式
Qn - Quiet Results Codes Control
Q0 Allow result codes to DTE.允许返回结果码
Q1 Inhibit result codes to DTE.抑制返回结果码
Sn - Read/Write S-Register 读/写S寄存器
Sn? Return the value of S-Register n. 返回S寄存器n的值
=v Set default S-Register to value v.设置默认S寄存器的值为v
? Return the value of default S-Register. 返回默认S寄存器的值
T - Set Tone Dial Default 选择音频拨号模式
Vn - Result Code Form 生成结果码
V0 Report short form (terse) result codes.汇报简要结果码
V1 Report long form (verbose) result codes. 汇报详细结果码
Wn - Connect Message Control 连接信息控制
W0 Report DTE speed in EC mode.
W1 Report line speed, EC protocol and DTE speed.
W2 Report DCE speed in EC mode.
Xn - Extended Result Codes 扩展的结果码
X0 Report basic call progress result codes, i.e., OK, CONNECT, RING,
NO CARRIER (also, for busy, if enabled, and dial tone not
detected), NO ANSWER and ERROR.汇报基本进程结果码
X1 Report basic call progress result codes and connections speeds
(OK, CONNECT, RING, NO CARRIER (also, for busy, if enabled, and
dial tone not detected), NO ANSWER, CONNECT XXXX, and ERROR.
X2 Report basic call progress result codes and connections speeds,
i.e., OK, CONNECT, RING, NO CARRIER (also, for busy, if enabled,
and dial tone not detected), NO ANSWER, CONNECT XXXX, and ERROR.
X3 Report basic call progress result codes and connection rate,
X4 Report all call progress result codes and connection rate,
Yn - Long Space Disconnect 长时间间隔
Y0 Disable long space disconnect before on-hook. 禁止长空挂断
Y1 Enable long space disconnect before on-hook.允许长空挂断
Zn - Soft Reset and Restore Profile 复位
Z0 Restore stored profile 0 after warm reset.软复位前存贮0区数据
Z1 Restore stored profile 1 after warm reset.软复位前存贮1区数据
AT& Commands
&Cn - RLSD (DCD) Option RLSD (DCD)选项
&C0 Force RLSD active regardless of the carrier state.
&C1 Allow RLSD to follow the carrier state.
&Dn - DTR Option DTR选项
&D0 Interpret DTR ON-to-OFF transition per &Qn:
0, &Q5, &Q6 The modem ignores DTR.
&Q1, &Q4 The modem hangs up.
&Q2, &Q3 The modem hangs up.
&D1 Interpret DTR ON-to-OFF transition per &Qn:
&Q0, &Q1, &Q4, &Q5, &Q6 Asynchronous escape.
&Q2, &Q3 The modem hangs up.
&D2 Interpret DTR ON-to-OFF transition per &Qn:
&Q0 through &Q6 The modem hangs up.
&D3 Interpret DTR ON-to-OFF transition per &Qn:.
&Q0, &Q1, &Q4, &Q5, &Q6 The modem performs soft reset.
&Q2, &Q3 The modem hangs up.
&Fn - Restore Factory Configuration (Profile)恢复默认值
&F0 Restore factory configuration 0. 返回原始配置0
&F1 Restore factory configuration 1. 返回原始配置1
&Gn - Select Guard Tone 选择保护音
&G0 Disable guard tone.
&G1 Disable guard tone.
&G2 Enable 1800 Hz guard tone.
&Jn - Telephone Jack Control 外接电话控制
&J0 Set S-Register response only for compatibility.
&J1 Set S-Register response only for compatibility.
&Kn - Flow Control 流量控制
&K0 Disable DTE/DCE flow control.
&K3 Enable RTS/CTS DTE/DCE flow control.使用RTS/CTS DTE/DCE进行流量控制
&K4 Enable XON/XOFF DTE/DCE flow control.
&K5 Enable transparent XON/XOFF flow control.
&K6 Enable both RTS/CTS and XON/XOFF flow control.
&Ln - Leased Line Operation 租用电话线操作
&L0 Select dial up line operation.选择拨号上线操作
&Mn -Asynchronous/Synchronous Mode Selection 异步/同步选择
&M0 Select direct asynchronous mode.
&M1 Select sync connect with async off-line command mode. *
&M2 Select sync connect with async off-line command mode and
enable DTR dialing of directory zero. *
&M3 Select sync connect with async off-line command mode and
enable DTR to act as Talk/Data switch. *
&Pn - Select Pulse Dial Make/Break Ratio 脉冲拨号断续比
&P0 Set 10 pps pulse dial with 39%/61% make/break.
&P1 Set 10 pps pulse dial with 33%/67% make/break.
&P2 Set 20 pps pulse dial with 39%/61% make/break.
&P3 Set 20 pps pulse dial with 33%/67% make/break.
&Qn - Sync/Async Mode 同步/异步模式
&Q0 Select direct asynchronous mode.
&Q1 Select sync connect with async off-line command mode. *
&Q2 Select sync connect with async off-line command mode and
enable DTR dialing of directory zero. *
&Q3 Select sync connect with async off-line command mode and
enable DTR to act as Talk/Data switch. *
&Q4 Select Hayes AutoSync mode.
&Q5 Modem negotiates an error corrected link.
&Q6 Select asynchronous operation in normal mode.
&Rn - RTS/CTS Option RTS/CTS选项
&R0 CTS tracks RTS (async) or acts per V.25 (sync).CTS跟踪RTS或遵循V.25
&R1 CTS is always active.CTS一直有效
&Sn - DSR Override DSR控制
&S0 DSR is always active.
&S1 DSR acts per V.25.
&Tn - Test and Diagnostics 测试与诊断
&T0 Terminate any test in progress.
&T1 Initiate local analog loopback.
&T2 Returns ERROR result code.
&T3 Initiate local digital loopback.
&T4 Allow remote digital loopback.
&T5 Disallow remote digital loopback request.
&T6 Request an RDL without self-test.
&T7 Request an RDL with self-test.
&T8 Initiate local analog loop with self-test.
&V Display current configurations. 显示当前配置
&Wn - Store Current Configuration 存储当前配置
&W0 Store the active profile in NVRAM profile 0.存储有效参数于NVRAM0区
&W1 Store the active profile in NVRAM profile 1.存储有效参数于NVRAM1区
&Xn - Select Synchronous Clock Source 选择同步时钟源
&X0 Select internal timing for the transmit clock.
&X1 Select external timing for the transmit clock.
&X2 Select slave receive timing for the transmit clock.
&Yn - Designate a Default Reset Profile 指定默认值进行复位
&Y0 Recall stored profile 0 upon power up.使用0区参数
&Y1 Recall stored profile 1 upon power up.使用1区参数
&Zn=x Store dial string x (to 34) to location n (0 to 3).存储
AT% Commands
%En - Enable/Disable Line Quality Monitor and Auto-Retrain or
Fallback/Fall Forward 监控线路质量
%L - Line Signal Level 线路信号标准
%Q - Line Signal Quality 线路信号质量
%T - PTT Testing Utilities PTT测试有效
%TT5R, S, C, A and %TT6R, S, C, A Commands (RC288)
AT Commands
Kn - Break Control 突变控制
Kn Controls break handling during three states:
When modem receives a break from the DTE:
K0,2,4 Enter on-line command mode, no break sent to the remote modem.
K1 Clear buffers and send break to remote modem.
K3 Send break to remote modem immediately.
K5 Send break to remote modem in sequence with transmitted data.
When modem receives B in on-line command state:
K0,1 Clear buffers and send break to remote modem.
K2,3 Send break to remote modem immediately.
K4,5 Send break to remote modem in sequence with transmitted data.
When modem receives break from the remote modem:
K0,1 Clear data buffers and send break to DTE.
K2,3 Send a break immediately to DTE.
K4,5 Send a break with received data to the DTE.
Nn - Operating Mode 操作模式
N0 Select normal speed buffered mode.
N1 Select direct mode.
N2 Select reliable link mode.
N3 Select auto reliable mode.
N4 Force LAPM mode.
N5 Force MNP mode.
Vn - Single Line Connect Message Enable 线路连接信息使能
V0 Connect messages are controlled by the command settings X,W,and S95.
V1 Connect messages are displayed in the single line format.
AT+ Commands
+MS - Select Modulation 选择调制
+Hn - Enable/Disable RPI and DTE Speed
+H0 Disable RPI.
+H1 Enable RPI and set DTE speed to 19200 bps.
+H2 Enable RPI and set DTE speed to 38400 bps.
+H3 Enable RPI and set DTE speed to 57600 bps.
+H11 Enable RPI+ mode.
AT** Command
** - Download to Flash Memory 下载到显速存储器
**0 Download to flash memory at last sensed speed.
**1 Download to flash memory at 38.4 kbps.
**2 Download to flash memory at 57.6 kbps.
AT- Commands
-SDR=n - Enable/Disable Distinctive Ring 特殊振铃选择
-SDR=0 Disable Distinctive Ring.
-SDR=1 Enable Distinctive Ring Type 1.
-SDR=2 Enable Distinctive Ring Type 2.
-SDR=3 Enable Distinctive Ring Type 1 and 2.
-SDR=4 Enable Distinctive Ring Type 3.
-SDR=5 Enable Distinctive Ring Type 1 and 3.
-SDR=6 Enable Distinctive Ring Type 2 and 3.
-SDR=7 Enable Distinctive Ring Type 1, 2, and 3.
-SSE=n - Enable/Disable DSVD DSVD使能
-SSE=0 Disable DSVD.
-SSE=1 Enable DSVD.
AT% Commands
%C0 Disable data compression.
%C1 Enable MNP 5 data compression.
%C2 Enable V.42 bis data compression.
%C3 Enable both V.42 bis and MNP 5 compression.
AT) Commands
)Mn - Enable Cellular Power Level Adjustment
*Hn - Link Negotiation Speed
-Kn - MNP Extended Services
-K0 Disable MNP 10 extended services.
-K1 Enable MNP 10 extended services.
-K2 Enable MNP 10 extended services detection only.
-Qn - Enable Fallback(退却) to V.22 bis/V.22
-SEC=n - Enable/Disable MNP10-EC
-SEC=0 Disable MNP10-EC.
-SEC=1,[<tx level>] Enable MNP10-EC and set transmit level
<tx level> 0 to 30 (0 dBm to -30 dBm).
@Mn - Initial Cellular Power Level Setting
:E - Compromise Equalizer Enable Command ......折中均衡器使能
AT* Commands
*B - Display Blacklisted Numbers
*D - Display Delayed(延迟) Numbers
*NCn - Country Select
#CID=0 Disable Caller ID. 禁止来号识别
#CID=1 Enable Caller ID with formatted presentation.
#CID=2 Enable Caller ID with unformatted presentation.
Cellular Commands
^C2 - Download Cellular Phone Driver ......下载外接电话驱动
^I - Identify Cellular Phone Driver........确定外接电话驱动
^T6 - Indicate Status of Cellular Phone..... 外接电话状态
+FCLASS=n Service class. 选择工作方式
+F<command>? - Report Active Configuration
+F<command>=? - Report Operating Capabilities
+FAE=n Data/fax auto answer数据/传真自动应答
+FRH=n Receive data with HDLC framing.
+FRM=n Receive data. 接收数据
+FRS=n Receive silence. 接收静默
+FTH=n Transmit data with HDLC framing.
+FTM=n Transmit data. 发送数据
+FTS=n Stop transmission and wait. 停止发送并等待
+FCLASS=n Service class. 选择工作方式
+FAA=n Adaptive answer.
+FAXERR Fax error value.
+FBOR Phase C data bit order.
+FBUF? Buffer size (read only).
+FCFR Indicate confirmation to receive.
+FCLASS= Service class.
+FCON Facsimile connection response.
+FCIG Set the polled station identification.
+FCIG: Report the polled station identification.
+FCR Capability to receive.
+FCR= Capability to receive.
+FCSI: Report the called station ID.
+FDCC= DCE capabilities parameters.
+FDCS: Report current session.
+FDCS= Current session results.
+FDIS: Report remote capabilities.
+FDIS= Current sessions parameters.
+FDR Begin or continue phase C receive data.
+FDT= Data transmission.
+FDTC: Report the polled station capabilities.
+FET: Post page message response.
+FET=N Transmit page punctuation.
+FHNG Call termination with status.
+FK Session termination.
+FLID= Local ID string.
+FLPL Document for polling.
+FMDL? Identify model.
+FMFR? Identify manufacturer.
+FPHCTO Phase C time out.
+FPOLL Indicates polling request.
+FPTS: Page transfer status.
+FPTS= Page transfer status.
+FREV? Identify revision.
+FSPL Enable polling
+FTSI: Report the transmit station ID.
#BDR Select baud rate (turn off autobaud).
#CLS Select data, fax, or voice.
#MDL? Identify model.
#MFR? Identify manufacturer.
#REV? Identify revision level.
#SPK= Speakerphone setting.
#TL Audio output transmit level.
#VBQ? Query buffer size.
#VBS Bits per sample.
#VBT Beep tone timer.
#VCI? Identify compression method.
#VGT Set playback volume in the command state.
#VLS Voice line select.
#VRA Ringback goes away timer (originate).
#VRN Ringback never came timer (originate).
#VRX Voice receive mode.
#VSD Enable silence deletion (no function, command response only).
#VSK Buffer skid setting.
#VSP Silence detection period (voice receive).
#VSR Sampling rate selection.
#VSS Silence detection tuner (voice receive).
#VTD DTMF/tone reporting.
#VTM Enable timing mark placement.
#VTS Generate tone signals.
#VTX Voice transmit mode.

电话:010-82356575/76/77转6070 联系人:苏秋英

手机微信同号:13811870548 QQ: 1170923055
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